In this week’s
class, professor talked about the robotic and art. More specifically, the
interaction happened between robotic and art in their evolution. My interested
points are about the industrialization and cyborgs.
As for industrialization,
I think everyone is familiar with it because without it, our life cannot
improve so much and still growing rapidly. The industrialization started in 1860's,
quickly after the invention of steam engine and grew much faster following the
application of electricity. Although industrialization helped to improve our society
and made technology grew so rapidly, there is still critique about it. For
example, Walter Benjamin claimed in his book “The Work of Art in the Age of
Mechanical Reproduction”, “Namely, the desire of contemporary masses to bring things
“closer” spatially and humanly, which is just as ardent as their bent toward
overcoming the uniqueness of every reality by accepting its reproduction.”(III)
By this, he thought that the mass reproduction from industrialization actually destroyed
the creativity and uniqueness in art. Moreover, in Chaplin’s “Modern time”, the
mass production made workers like a machine on the assembly line and even
influenced their life.
Chaplin's Modern Time
Cyborg is a
fashion word in many great sci-fi movies. I, Robot, in my opinion, is one of
the best I have seen. In this movie, the robots finally evolve too rapidly that
they want to control the human beings and found their own world. The story
could be seen as a classic example of the disadvantage of industrialization
that human beings made technology grow too fast due to desires and finally we
cannot control them at all. Though the condition appeared in the movie is kind
of ridiculous now, it might happen one day in the future.
I, Robot
To give a
conclusion, I think industrialization itself has more positivity than
negativity and donated greatly to the development of our society. What caused
many damages is actually our desire. If we can control our desire correctly, I think
we can gain more benefits and less negative effects.
Walter Benjamin,
“The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction”, Marxists,
Ian Adler,
Harrison S, Industrialization in Germany & Russia, apworldquig, web,
Dr. Macro's High
Quality Movie Scans, photography,
Amanda Peraza, Dystopian
Fiction-I Robot, 2011. 3, photography,
Vesna, Victoria, “Robotic
and Art”, Lecture 3