visited some famous museums in the eastern coast last spring break and found it
really attracting. In this case, I went to Hammer Museum to take a look at the
exhibition of James Welling, one professor in UCLA and find it really amazing
and interesting last Friday.
Hammer is so close to our school, it is still the first time for me to visit
it. For my first year in UCLA, I have had some chance to visit it, but because
of some reason i did not. The Hammer Museum sits in the busy Westwood Blvd and
is not that big. The structure of the museum is in modern style but not like
those in New York or Washington DC.
for the exhibition, I preferred Welling’s rather than those by Forrest Bess,
another event exhibited that day, because Welling’s work are realistic and many
of them are photograph. Bess’ works are abstract and hard to understand. As a
science major student, I would like to have something straight rather than
curving. The most interesting part of Welling’s exhibition, in my mind, is the
part about the diary of his family. I think it would be pretty fun to look at
them after you are old. In this case, I decide to start writing a diary from
next quarter. Although the Bess’s work is hard to understand for me, there is
still some part interested me. Pictographic characters is the earliest form of
language and I study Classics 51A in winter quarter and find it is so amazing that
ancient people can come up with the idea about the pictographic characters.