
Sustainable Sushi

Sushi is a popular food around the world and have a long history for more than 600 years. It was originated in Southeast Asia but highly developed in Japan and introduced to the world.
Sushi is made of rice, ingredients and sauces. Ingredients are usually raw fish and seafood. In this case, Japan is the largest fish consumer in the world especially for those needed for sushi making. Due to such large command for fresh fish, the problem of overfishing rises and caused many species such as blunfin tuna becomes depleted. Not only in Japan, since introduced to the USA in 1970's, Sushi has become the most popular food around the country. Nowadays, it is really easy for you to find a sushi restaurant in the USA.

In this case, the movement called "Sustainable Sushi" appeared. This movement start in 2008 with the foundation of Tataki sushi bar. The movement suggests that people should eat those farmed or abundant fish instead of depleted one. Here is a TED talk by the founder of Tataki, Casson Trenor and a list of recommended food fish.

"Casson Trenor at TEDxSF", TEDxTalks, Youtube. Web.Feb 25th, 2014. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t9IQYyFh43M

"Japan admits to overfishing bluefin tuna by 25 percent", Taipei Time. Mar 03, 2013. Web. Feb 25th 2014. http://www.taipeitimes.com/News/world/archives/2006/03/03/2003295497

Sustainablesushi.net. Web. Photograph. Feb 25th, 2014. http://www.sustainablesushi.net/

Supergreenlandmarket. Web. Photograph. Feb 25th, 2014. http://www.supergreenlandmarket.com/online/maru-japanese-sushi/

